Free webinar series

Tips for Safe & Wise Yoga Movements

Free Live Lessons on topics you are curious about for your vital bones!

You will learn how to move wisely and understand the cautions behind how you can approach movements in your yoga classes when you have osteoporosis or low bone density.

You will walk away with self-knowledge and confidence in understanding the mechanisms of these movements and how to modify according to your own needs.

And most importantly how to work with these functional movements off the mat!

Join me live to practice what I'm teaching - or just come to watch - and get your questions answered.

We're going to just cover one concept each session -- see image for the topic that will be covered on these dates:

Free Safe & Wise TIPS

July 18, 2024

July 25, 2024

August 1, 2024
10:00am Pacific Time

What's included?

  • ~30-45 minute FREE lessons (see image for topics to be covered)
  • Demonstration and insights to apply to your practice
  • LIVE Q&A

These are experiential free lessons!

The recording of the lesson (of just me - you will not be on the recording) will be sent to you via email if you've signed up through this form and also shared on the Vital Bones Facebook page .

​"Super helpfull!" ~ attendee

Mary Beth Ray

Yoga Therapist

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