Saturday May 18, 2024
9:00am to 11:30am Pacific time zone
with Mary Beth Ray
This Zoom workshop augments your ongoing practice of yoga poses to support you in reducing your fracture risk.
With Yoga for Your Feet we take our feet as they are and explore the tenets of yoga to tune up our proprioception, finesse our alignment, and optimize how we transmit forces and bear weight so that we can move more consciously throughout the day to balance and avoid falls.
Creating a more aligned relationship to our body from our feet up provides a refuge for the mind as we feel at ease with a steady, reliable, and confident gait.
Workshop includes:
- a closer look at the anatomy of your feet
- fun foot exercises & yoga asana practice
- tips to carry forward on and off the mat
Recording provided to those who register.
Mary Beth is BoneFit™ trained and has over 30 years of experience practicing and studying yoga primarily in the Krishnamacharya breath-centered lineage. She approaches her daily practice and her 15 years of teaching with an academic mind and a curious heart to better understand and convey the biopsychosocial-spiritual approach to addressing bone health through a focus on whole health.