Free webinar

Optimal Nourishment for Bone Health

A free, streaming webinar to discover a holistic, whole-body approach to maintaining strong bones as you age.

Learn dietary choices that supply the nutrient building blocks your body needs daily to keep forming healthy bones for a lifetime.

Discover how and why yoga practices nourish, support, and build strong, resilient bones throughout your life

Includes a FREE eBook - Optimal Nourishment for Bone Health - that includes tips for unlocking bone-supportive nutrients & removing anti-nutrients.

You'll discover:

  • What your bones really need. Go deeper than just calcium!
  • The unique benefits of yoga & breath to support your bone health.
  • Proper food preparation for absorption and optimal gut health.
  • Key nutrients & common deficiencies + supplements vs. real food.
  • Bone bandits: excesses that can compromise bone health.
  • Ayurvedic perspectives on deep nourishment to fuel your bones.

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